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  • Insulated Log Cabin for Autumn

    An insulated log cabin is not necessarily a given thing upon the construction of a log home. You need to have your log home insulated the right way in order to protect your log cabin from the chill of winter and the heat of summer. Although logs are naturally good insulators, you still need to have your log home treated in order to become energy efficient. Take note that without the right insulation, your log home could lose 70% of the heat in your cabin through the floor and roof. Why invest in an insulated log cabin? Energy efficiency is the top reason why it is a good idea to invest in an insulation system for your log home. You’re able to avoid using the costly heating and cooling utilities if your log home is well-insulated. Moreover, an insulated log cabin maintains and re… (More)
  • Everything You Need to Know about Garden Log Cabins

    With the growing popularity of garden log cabins within the housing market, it is not surprising that more and more homeowners are making this profitable investment. A log home in your back garden is a good option if you want a separate hobby room, liveable space to hang out in, or somewhere to simply escape. Wooden cabins located in your garden are attractive as well as functional. It is a profitable extension, but it can also be a costly business. Basics of Garden Log Cabins There are many sizes and specifications that fit your choices for your log cabin investment. Log homes for gardens may vary from single door, one window structures to more complex and substantial models that are ideal for personal and commercial use. You can find different garden log cabins with industry grade m… (More)
  • Nicola's Fully Insulated Log Cabin

    Our valued customer Nicola came across our website and instantly became interested in one of our Twin-Skin fully insulated log cabins.  Her favourite among the cabins we offer was the fully insulated log cabin Oak. She wanted to have some under the-roof storage space so we suggested that she look at our optional accessories – a canopy was the perfect fit for her cabin and we must agree – it looks very impressive! The red shingles on top of the roof give the log cabin an elegant look, and we are pretty sure Nicola’s neighbours will be jealous. (More)
  • Different Uses of Wooden Carports

    One of the best elements of modern homes these days is a timber carport, whether they are attached to your house as an integral part of it, or as a free-standing structure. There are numerous designs for wooden carports, depending on your budget and personal taste. Different designs of carports with wooden features also have their distinct uses and advantages. It is always best to know the basics of timber-made carports before you make a financial investment. What are the uses of timber carports? A wooden carport serves numerous functions, making it a feature in numerous homes today. The outdoor wooden structure generally consists of a roof with open sides. However, there are other designs that are more complex than the usual plain and simple. A lot of timber carports are now designed f… (More)
  • The Benefits of a 2 Bedroom Residential Log Cabin

    There are various types of log homes, but a 2 bedroom log cabin is becoming the most popular choice. A bigger and more spacious cabin gives substantial space for all your belongings, both on a temporary or a permanent basis. More and more people are planning to invest in log cabins, especially those with multiple rooms. The reason for this is that log homes are no longer just occasional places of abode or getaway venues. Log homes are becoming more of a place to stay in most times of the year. Before embarking on a financially demanding investment, it is always wise to know the pros and plausible cons of purchasing a log home, particularly a 2 bedroom log cabin. Benefits of a 2 Bedroom Log Cabin Owning a log cabin is a trendsetting option in the housing niche. They are primarily used as… (More)
  • How to Prepare your Residential Cabin for Autumn?

    A residential log house is your home in the lap of nature and to make it a useable and liveable space, even in the coldest of seasons, autumn is the season you need to prepare for. So how do you exactly prepare your log cabin and get it ready for this time of year? Remember that living in a log home requires maintenance activities in order to cope with seasonal variations. There are inevitable changes when the season changes and living close to nature makes you more prone to these changes. Residential Cabin Care Tips in Autumn As autumn approaches, the right maintenance should be planned out and followed to keep your log home safe, clean, and liveable. The temperature is going to go down during this particular season and leaves in your garden will drop and pile up. A residential cabin h… (More)
  • Reviews from People Living in a Log Cabin

    Log structures are now icons of American architecture and unlike in previous decades when log homes were more popular in Russia, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe, they have become more and more popular in the US in recent years. Thus, living in a log cabin is becoming a trend among Americans with varying lifestyles and age brackets. Modern log homes are diverse with numerous sizes and styles to choose from and just like any home investment they are also financially demanding. So, before you embark on purchasing a log home, make sure you discover the important facts about log cabins, including reviews from people who are currently log home owners. What do people say about living in a log cabin? Word of mouth is one of the most reliable and accurate ways to know about log homes. Most contra… (More)
  • Andrew's Wooden Garage (Chichester)

    As the trend to have a log cabin in the garden is on the rise at the moment, more and more people struggle to find the space needed in their backyard to put a cabin, garage or any other structure. Our dear customer Andrew has contacted us with a very special request – he liked our wooden carport, he liked our wooden garage, too, and the space he had could only fit one, yet he really wanted to have both. Our architects team has drawn up some drawings of a bespoke structure, where half of it is a carport, another half is a garage. After receiving the drawings Andrew said that was exactly what he’s been looking for. Bespoke cabins take a bit longer to be manufactured, but from the final result Andrew said it was worth the wait. (More)
  • Does the Log Cabin Lose Its Positive Features After Insulation?

    A log cabin is useable space especially with proper insulation. The right insulation system for your log home helps keep it warmer during winter and cooler in summer time. However, some owners are quite reluctant because of some misconceptions. One of these mistaken beliefs is that a log cabin could possibly lose its positive features when it is being insulated. Wrong. In fact, when a log home is correctly and efficiently insulated, it boosts the functionality and market value of the entire construction. There are, however, important pointers you need to bear in mind before you invest on your log home insulation. Thermal Insulation for a Log Cabin Technically speaking, the term thermal insulation could refer to the material used for log home construction with comparatively low heat co… (More)
  • Make a Perfect Camp for Children in the Residential Log Cabin

    A residential log cabin makes a perfect getaway for the entire family. Thus, it is always a lucrative and practical choice to invest on one. No matter what time of the year, you can always go to your log home as a respite. This is the best sanctuary to rejuvenate and unwind. Vacations and holidays are best spent in the log cabin. You can also plan for the perfect camp that your kids will surely love. Before Planning the Perfect Residential Log Cabin Camp Your options are overflowing when it comes to the best children’s camp in your log home. Your youngsters are surely looking forward to the fun things they will do in the outdoors. However, log home camps are not only for the outdoorsy types. The residential log cabin is the best venue where you can also plan indoor bonding activities wi… (More)
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