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Balcony or Terrace: This is What Happens in an Awesome Residential Log Cabin

A residential log cabin definitely benefits from extra outdoor spaces. Two of the most popular choices for an outdoor log home space are balcony and terrace. A lot of log cabin owners consider an upgrade project that involves constructing a space for outdoor entertainment. This additional living space could be a simple floor area or an outdoor extension. Make sure you conduct thorough research about log cabin balconies and terraces before starting your property upgrade.


The Difference Between Residential Log Cabin Balcony and Terrace

People closely relate a balcony and terrace as one and the same thing. Although there are similarities, there are also obvious differences between these two outdoor living spaces. Know these distinct features of a balcony and terrace before you go ahead with your upgrade plans for your residential log cabin:


This is actually the most obvious distinct feature that differentiates a balcony from a terrace. Terraces are significantly much larger compared to a balcony. Thus, if you have a more limited outdoor space in your log house, you may consider a balcony rather than a larger and more space-consuming terrace. Due to their difference in size, there is also a huge impact on the extent of how you can use each outdoor space.


There is a technical difference between a balcony and terrace for your residential log cabin update. Each living space has their own location in the building that they are attached to.  For instance, the word “terrace” means earth in Latin. Therefore, it is technically a structure that is built on earth. Terraces are usually made from wood, rock or tiles. In modern architectural and construction terms, terraces refer to communal or open areas. These areas are often found on a building’s rooftop. The term patio is quite interchangeable with terrace in most places.


Balconies, on the other hand, refer to elevated platforms. This structural attachment is usually located at the side of the building or house. Balcony means large window in its original Italian term. This is due to the fact that the first balconies were accessible through windows. Balconies are generally much smaller than terraces, however it does not always follow that way. A balcony is usually attached to a log house or building as an extension of a living outdoor space.


Based on the size and location of a terrace or balcony in your residential log cabin, there is a significant difference in how these areas are built. Terraces do not require attachment to a building or any structure anywhere near them. Thus, you can build a terrace that is freestanding. This structure could be directly built on the ground. It may not necessarily be attached to the residential log cabin. Terraces are often large and open spaces which could be used for a variety of purposes. You can use the terrace as an entertainment area or a place where you can hold sporting or crafting activities. There are terraces that have pools for more outdoor entertainment.

A balcony is a much different type of construction. It is directly affixed to the residential log cabin, particular at the side area of the structure. Balconies are also elevated platforms. Thus, they are above the ground with a type of wall and railing that surrounds the area. There are types of balcony that are covered while others are not. Putting cover on the balcony may depend on their location around the building. Balconies are always accessible through the room or rooms in which they are attached to. Terraces on the other hand may have an independent access point.


Benefits of Terraces and Balconies

An increase in the value of your residential log cabin is one of the main benefits of adding a balcony or terrace to the structure. Log homes are synonymous with relaxation and respite. These outdoor living spaces help you achieve your goals to rejuvenate and enjoy a holiday or vacation. Thus, it is a lucrative project that offers numerous returns on your investment.

   *  Space for Mediation & Exercise

An open space offers a lot of benefits especially for your mental and physical health. A lot of residential log cabins are located in remote areas, usually in the heart of nature. Having a terrace or balcony in your log home is an added perk. It is the most conducive place for meditation, yoga, and exercises. The additional space serves as your outdoor gym. Add decorations such as mats, yoga equipment, candles, and others to transform your terrace or a bigger balcony into your very own in-the-midst-of-nature yoga studio.


   *  Space for Play, Crafts, & Entertainment

A terrace or balcony is the ideal place for your kids to enjoy their playtime. It is also where they can learn crafts and other skill-enhancing activities, aside from the usual entertainment. Turn your terrace or balcony into an open space where they can explore, be creative, and simply enjoy their time. A much larger terrace or balcony can be easily converted into your children’s outdoor play area, where you can add craft tables or a slide and swing.

   *  Space for Afternoon BBQ

A great outdoor space is always the ideal venue for an afternoon BBQ with family, friends, and loved ones. Create delicious barbeques to feast on every day. Your terrace or large balcony can also accommodate get-togethers and parties for fun and entertainment. A log home is definitely not just a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of every life. It is absolutely the best place where you can welcome guests and share with them the beauty of having a log home.

Whether it is a terrace or a balcony, upgrading your residential log cabin is a truly wise and lucrative investment. It gives you an additional living space where you can savour and enjoy the outdoors. These are multi-purpose outdoor areas where you can use your limitless creativity. Get ready to enjoy the overflowing benefits of a balcony or terrace in your residential log cabin today.

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