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Escaping the hustle and bustle of city into the tranquillity of country life in Coimbra, Portugal

In 2020, Sofia (48), André (42) and their 9-year-old daughter Maria fulfilled their dream of transferring their lives from the bubbling Lisbon city to the tranquil country life, surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes.

Now the family lives in an enclosed 2 ha space in the main stone house, surrounded by nature, native trees, a vegetable garden, and animals wandering around the area. The amount of space allows them to fully immerse into the natural joys of life, where children can run and play freely, and the entire family can fill their dining table with vegetables grown following the practices of Permaculture and Biodynamic Agriculture.

The guests of the Quinta D' LuzArcoIris - the rental cabin the family offers for their visitors - can enjoy all these benefits as well!

How it all started

In March 2021, the family found a beautiful farm to implement the Quinta D' LuzArcoIris project. In early 2022, the process of acquiring the family’s first log cabin started and the project was opened to the public in September 2023, as some bureaucracy was delaying it.

“We dreamed of creating a rural tourism project, providing our guests with a peaceful stay in nature in the central area of Portugal (in Coja, Arganil, in the district of Coimbra), surrounded by the Serra do Açor – with waterfalls at Fraga da Penas, the Mata da Margaraça Natural Reserve and several river beaches, and 1 hour away from Serra da Estrela (with snow in winter).” – Sofia

Finding the right one

Various technical characteristics and visual properties have been running through Sofia’s and André’s minds, and they thought it might be extremely difficult to select the product that met all their needs.

The main criteria were the price/quality ratio and aesthetic appearance. Also, there were various other specifications that needed to be met. However, upon accidentally discovering’s website, the family knew that the only difficulty would be to select the exact model among so many beautiful ones.

Sofia has shared that their guests simply love the log cabin NINA 25 m2 from Some guests of Quinta D' LuzArcoÍris even say that they could imagine themselves permanently living in a prefabricated log cabin like this – or larger, of course! Sofia also did let us know that they plan to build more log cabins soon – one or two structures 25 m2 / 35 m2 each. Exciting!

A construction process to remember

It’s always curious for us to ask our customers about the construction process. Sofia gladly shared their experience with DIY assembly.

“Opening the boxes and seeing so many different wooden pieces was frighteningly fun and exciting. We separated all the pieces by sizes and numbers/references, and this made it easier to start the assembly: all the pieces had a numbered sticker (with rare exceptions) that corresponded to certain measurements, then with the assembly technical sheet, it was almost always easy to proceed to the last piece needed.” - Sofia

Sofia also shared that they used the small pieces that served as support inside the boxes to build the stylish terrace fence. It only proves that creativity goes a long way with wood – what a sustainable and well-thought-of solution!

Spreading the word

Excitingly, Sofia and André have agreed to become our representatives and show their log cabin to potential customers wishing to purchase a house like this. Sofia has told us that they have already had visits from people who came from the island of Madeira or the Azores, as well as from other areas from the North to the South of Portugal.

“Everyone is very impressed with the house and the positive feedback we give them. We are always trying to answer the pertinent doubts and questions they ask us.” - Sofia

The excitement of fulfilling our customers’ dreams constantly brings us gratitude and joy. Once again, we appreciate the generous feedback Sofia provided us with and are looking forward to our future projects together!

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