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Garden Log Cabin: Worms in the Yard. What Should You Do?

Your garden log cabin will definitely benefit from the presence of worms in your yard. If you are starting a garden around your log home, it’s important that you know and understand why having worms in your yard is a good thing. Worms play a crucial role in construction of the soil as well as the recycling of organic wastes. There is a network of useful and beneficial organisms in the soil that contribute to nutrient rich soil and the worm is definitely part of this network. Your garden log cabin would absolutely look great with a lush and green garden and those seemingly insignificant, oftentimes nasty wriggly creatures are a useful component.


Worms and your Log Cabin Garden

Imagine a lush and beautiful garden accessorizing your outdoors, boosting the overall aesthetic and curb appeal of your property. Nurturing and growing a garden to beautify and spruce up your log home garden is a demanding venture, but it is undoubtedly worth every effort you put into it. One of the most vital components of a log cabin garden is the creature that most people seem to be afraid of.

Worms play numerous critical roles in the decoration and overall growth of your garden. Aside from soil construction and organic waste recycling, worms also perform cultivation functions, allowing precious energy to penetrate into the roots and increasing the porosity of the soil. Worms have life-giving effects, thus it is important to know about worm composting and other ways of encouraging worms in your garden soil and yard.

Worms Give More Good than Bad

Worms eat organic materials and basically tunnel into soil in your log cabin garden and yard, resulting in the excretion of worm castings. Worms basically thrive and abound in soils with approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 Celsius temperature. Changes in temperature including extreme moisture, heat, and cold do not encourage worm activity, thus active worms are those residing in places with moderate warmth and moisture.


Worm Tunnelling Benefits

The activities of worms in your log cabin yard offer numerous benefits to help you grow your garden into a lush and beautiful outdoor asset. The worms’ tunnelling behaviour boosts the water percolation into the soil as well as loosens the soil in order for oxygen and aerobic bacteria to reach the roots of the plants. Garden worms are the best transformers of nature because they can simply turn garbage into nutrient-rich fertilizers.

What to Do with Worm Castings

Worms produce a fertilizer also known as worm castings, which are technically worm poop as these substances are produced due to the processing of the creatures of organic waste. Worm castings are in fact remarkable sources of nutrients that are beneficial for plants, allowing them to grow healthier, lush, and greener. Although worm castings are naturally beneficial to your log cabin garden, these substances may become a nuisance in your yard.


Pros vs. Cons

Worm composting is usually unappealing to the eyes, for example, the earthworms in the grass that basically leave mounds or casting hills. On top of the visual eyesore, the worm composting in your log cabin garden or yard may also pose trip hazards. Nevertheless, the downsides and inconveniences of this worm composting could never outweigh the beneficial contributions of worm castings to the overall health of your garden.

How to Encourage Worms in Log Cabin Soil

It is already established that worms are vital components of your log home garden and yard, thus it is imperative to encourage these creatures in the soil. If you are serious about growing and nurturing a garden, make sure that you know how to work with worms. Do not do deep tilling in order to avoid damaging permanent worm burrows. Provide layers and layers of organic matters for the worms to munch and feast on such as leaf litter, grass clippings, and many other natural organic and compostable materials.


Discover Worm Composting

Enjoy a worthwhile activity in your log cabin with worm composting, which is definitely a great asset for your garden. Use your kitchen scraps and recycling abilities when you embark on the worm composting activity. The best organisms for this project are red worms and red wigglers which you can easily perform in a bin. In most cases, earthworms are not ideal for the worm composting or vermicomposting project because they are natural diggers and putting them inside the bin is not a good idea. On the other hand, placid red wigglers are a remarkable choice, turning your kitchen scraps and wastes into valuable composts specifically a compost tea. This is useful for plants that require extra care and attention.

Feeding and Caring for Worms

Log cabin owners who are into gardening should learn the trick of taking good care of worms and feeding them the right organic materials. Worms are avid eaters and they spend a good amount of their time eating. There are highly recommended organic materials that are great to feed the worms in your log cabin garden and yard. Fruits and vegetables are on top of the list for the best munchies for these wriggly creatures. You could also feed them leftover corn cobs, pumpkin, banana peels, melon rinds, and crushed eggshells or coffee grounds for worm composting.


There are also important things to remember when avoiding certain organic materials to feed the worm with. For instance, do not add salty or oily food into the bin if you are worm composting. Avoid feeding them with onions, citrus, and garlic since the eventual odour may just spread around the log cabin and you wouldn’t be able to take the smell. Acidic fruits such as citrus, when consumed in large quantities, may kill off the worms, thus, if you should put some out, make sure it is only a small amount.

Your garden log cabin will certainly look great with all the lush and green foliage and plants here and there. Take care of the worms in your yard because they make your outdoors healthier.

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