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Tips and tricks about log cabins

  • Your Guide to Staining A Log Cabin

    Log cabins are beautiful timber structures that offer a comfortable, warm and welcoming atmosphere. From small log cabins to full-size houses, a huge variety of designs and floor plans are available. But like any other type of structure, they require maintenance. Log homes are not your ordinary buildings and it takes thorough and careful maintenance to protect and preserve the beauty and durability of your log home. In order to keep your log house or log cabin looking beautiful and ensure its longevity, protecting it from UV rays and atmospheric conditions is important. Log homes are continuously exposed to damaging elements such as wind, sun, snow, rain and lots of dust and sand. Luckily, keeping your log house protected from the weather conditions is very easy and trouble free. In trea… (More)
  • Things to Know Before Painting Log Cabin

    Time to time we need to update log cabin's exterior. Facade is the main side of the log house attracting glances and telling about the owner. The changes of house appearance depends on budget you are going to spend. Painting is cheap and one of the most popular way to renovate wooden buildings. Here you will find some useful tips how to paint your timber house facade, the main steps of surface preparation, painting works and ideas how to make beautiful front appearance. Preparation:    *  At first you need to determine the state of the building. If you're going to repaint the old wooden surface, than you should remove a former and detached layer of paints with a scraper. Scrub the gross surface with a sandpaper until it becomes matt. Later clean the dust with a brush and if its necessary… (More)
  • How to Fight Against Wooden Pests?

    We all know where the wood for construction comes from. Forests are always full of other living being. Ones are friendly to plants and the other called pests. The latter ones do a lot of damage for leaves, stems, roots and other parts of the tree. Cut and processed timber is sensitive to environment effects and to damage of wrecker. In this article we want to introduce you with the major timber pests and give some useful tips how to avoid them, and make your log cabin sturdy and durable. There are many types of pests that destroy the structure of natural material and could change the appearance of your log cabin. Insects, mold and fungi are the main wood attackers, which are distributed very unevenly. Ones occur in dry and the others in wetter areas (near the water bodies or places with… (More)
  • Ideal For Home and Work - Insulated Log Cabins

    Wood is extremely popular as a construction material, not only it looks rich and classy, but it has some really great qualities like insulation, thermal durability etc. Additionally, wood is easily available, ease in construction and affordable. Generally, people think that wood deteriorates, but it happens only when proper treatment is not offered, but when given the proper treatment and construction design, wood can easily survive even in harsh environments like Siberia and Northern Scandinavia. In these kinds of places one of the surviving types of living structure is the log cabins. Insulated log cabins are the popular choice of people living in areas where the climate can be really unpredictable. This is particularly true for those people living in UK. Aesthetic beauty, durability a… (More)
  • Different Types of Log Cabin

    Get to know the different types of log cabin. Log cabins, as the name suggests, are homes specially made up of logs of timber. Over the past few years, the popularity of a log cabin or timber home has increased immensely. They look exceptionally beautiful, can be easily customised according to your needs and as an added bonus, they are very reasonably priced. When it comes to choosing a log cabin for your home, for personal or official use, you will be presented with different types of log cabin. These types of cabins are categorised according to the technology of production, the wood used for constructing the log house and their designing, architecture and purpose. Here we will be discussing the different types of log cabin, in order to help you get a better understanding of them, and… (More)
  • How to Choose The Right Place to Erect Your Log Cabin

    Increasingly nowadays people are getting tired of busy metropolitan city life and are deciding to erect a log cabin kit to spend their weekends, holidays or even to use it all year round as a permanent residence. Some people choose to locate their log cabin in the garden, others - on a certain piece of land or on a land plot. If you do not have a plot yet, it is important to take into account the installation of public services and how convenient access will be when choosing one. The plot should be in a dry and sloping place, it is recommended that river and lake valleys and very damp places are avoided. When checking the suitability of the site, the ground water level should be taken into account: it should be at least 1 metre from the ground surface in the wet season (in autumn and spri… (More)
  • Useful Tips How to Finish Your Cabin

    One of the main advantages of  wooden log cabins is that they do not require any special finish on the outside or on the inside. The natural timber texture serves as a perfect decoration for this. As the timber used in the manufacturing process is a natural material, a log cabin made from timber 'breathes', eliminating the issue of a feeling of suffocating or dry air in it. Once such a structure has been assembled, it is necessary to paint it and treat it with wood preserver. Timber coated with wood preserver and then painted not only serves an aesthetic purpose but also ensures that the timber is resistant to moisture, rot, insects and fungus. So, it is important you choose a quality wood preserver and paint for your  log cabin, especially the outside, and it is highly recommended that… (More)
  • About Wooden Log Cabins

    Wooden log cabins usually catch one's eye thanks to their low price, quick and easy installation, simple construction and the fact that they can be easily erected and do not require planning permission or if for some reason they do, it is not that difficult to get. Log Cabins' Features  Wooden log cabins are very versatile constructions which can be used as a sauna, a residential cabin or guest accommodation, a garden office, gym or a place to store equipment and tools. One of the major advantages of such buildings is the fact that you will either not need planning permission at all or if it is necessary, the procedure of applying for planning permission will be simplified and won’t take long. According to general planning permission requirements, if the building is up to 4 metres high (… (More)
  • How to Prepare Your Garden Cabin for the Winter Period

    Timber is a natural material which is sensitive to atmospheric changes. The autumn and winter periods can be the most harmful for any garden cabin wooden construction. The influence of rain, snow, frost and strong sun all affect timber and can damage its structure, shape and exterior look. Melting snow and ice can get into the interior structure of timber. The water freezes again quickly (sometimes within 24 hours), which contributes to the widening of the cracks inside and outside of the timber. This process constantly repeats during the whole period of winter thereby negatively affecting all aspects of the timber and also providing good conditions for mould and rot to emerge. How to Protect Your Garden Cabin? It all starts from the proper preparation of the base of the wood. First… (More)
  • An Original Floor Idea for Your Log Cabin

    Log cabin interior perhaps is the most interesting part of log cabin installation. Interior finishing requires just a little bit of your imagination. We all know, that wood is the main material used here, but how to create original surroundings? Our advice is to concentrate into one detail - ceiling, walls, windows, doors or flooring. Every such a part of a log cabin can become the most beautiful accent. But we will talk about the floor and share the ideas with you in this article. Flooring is one of the most important elements of the house interior. If they are simple and unprepossessing - we only walk them. Then we are not really thinking that flooring can be a stylish log home interior component giving beauty, coziness and warmth. Different interior experts unanimously agree that wood… (More)
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