Usually, people living in the country have space problems. Also, another thing that really bothers people living in the country a lot is the fact that there are a lot of birds flying around. In such instances, people every day find their cars covered in bird droppings. As a result, they have to get the dust and bird poop off the car every time they want to use their car to drive somewhere. This makes owning a wooden carport really essential.

Carports are standalone structures that are useful for protecting cars and other vehicles from bird droppings as well as other elements like dust and dirt. These structures are either freestanding or built on top of secure foundations. If you also park your vehicles outside and birds faeces and other elements are also a trouble for your car and you, then investing in a protective structure to park the cars under can help you maintain the lustre of your car, as well as increase their lifespan. Additionally, installing a carport in your house can also increase the value of the home.
When it comes to investing in a carport then a number of options are available, firstly you can either buy a ready to use structure online or you can build a wooden carport all by yourself. Carports could be of wood or metal. Amongst the two, wood carports are more popular and highly accepted, as they not only protect your car but also add a very elegant and tasteful look to your house. Furthermore, when considering building a wooden carport by yourself, they are easier to work with.
You can’t just wake up one morning and start building a wooden carport, it needs proper planning. You must plan the appropriate type of structure and you need to check local building regulations. Always remember that the failure to plan will without a doubt, result in a structure that fails to meet your requirements or goes beyond your budget. But don’t worry, here we will be discussing a few really important factors that should be considered to ensure a successful DIY wooden carport project.
Find out about the building permit requirements: Finding out about what building permit requirements and building restrictions are present in your community is crucial. It will help you know whether you are allowed to build a carport on your property or not. For preservation and aesthetic purposes many heritage communities strictly restrict additions to existing structures. Also, there are waiting periods and costs connected with obtaining building permits, so make sure you know about them before you start building a wooden carport. You can check with your local council planning officer to ensure your wooden building project is up to code.
Work on the carport plan: There are a number of ways to get a wooden carport plan. You can either draw the plan by yourself or you can get it online at a competitive price. Packages for pre-designed architectural plans are also available online and prefabricated wooden carport kits are also available. You can also acquire the help of a local contractor. Whatever you do, ensure you have an effective plan before you commence construction.
Purchase the required building materials: When building a wooden carport, pressure treated lumber can be a good choice. They are extremely durable and easy to customise. It is worth mentioning that an effectively built wooden structure will be much sturdier than other structures. Enduring service is guaranteed.
Prepare the ground: Choosing an appropriate place on your land to build and erect a wooden carport is really important. Once you are sure about the area, the next step is to prepare the ground. For an average sized car, a space of around 16 feet (4.9m) long and 9 feet wide would be sufficient. Additionally, if you’ve got a bigger car or truck or you have more than one vehicle, then you can make the required adjustments to accommodate for the structure you want to create. The next step is to level the ground. Remove grass if there is any and cover the ground with a layer of gravel, though bare ground is also fine. You can also consider laying dark weed matting to prevent weeds and grass from growing again.
Build the beams: Start by digging the holes for the posts, around the perimeter of your measured outline for the timber carport. The holes should be at least 2 feet deep, and could be even more. Set all the posts – for the most basic type of structure, at least 9 feet high heavy duty posts on one side of the carport and 11 feet on the other side is recommended. This difference in height will help you get a slanted roof that will ensure that rain water will not stand on your roof. In order to set the posts, consider pouring concrete in the dug holes. Plant the posts and pour more concrete until the hole is filled. Give time for the concrete to harden. After at least one day, fasten the beams. Start with the front and back beams and then fasten the side beams. To secure the walls of the carport, basically you will need to build a rectangular box approximately 9 feet wide, 16 feet long and almost 7 feet high. Place two supporting crossbeams flat on the top of the shorter corner posts and extend to the higher corner posts approximately 2 feet down from their tops. Then, use T-shape hangers to nail them to the higher posts. Next, nail the crossbeams across your posts to fix them. Nail the beam on the lower side to the top of the front and back beams which are already nailed to the top of the corner posts. Remember, it is crucial to make your structure as strong as possible.
Build the roof: Place the rafters on to the side beams. Fasten six 2”x4”x10” rafters to the core box to provide support to the roof. You can use a hanger or notch method. Next, fasten the plywood roof boards to the rafters. For this type of structure, using ½ inch or ¾ inch thick plywood would help. Buy plywood that would be enough to produce a 6 inch overhang on the front and back of the wooden carport.
The final touches: Finish the job by caulking the plywood roof joints. Also, you can fasten shingles on top of the plywood roof. You should also consider reinforcing the joints with metal plates. Don’t forget to stain the wooden elements. All these things will help you build a wooden carport that is waterproof, durable, sturdy and aesthetically pleasing.