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Len's residential cabin on Airbnb (Dorset)

Len ordered a customised 2-bedroom Hymer residential log cabin from us and installed it by himself near his home in Mannington (Dorset). After the cabin had been erected we asked him if he liked his cabin and if there was anything we could do to assist him.

kitchen and dining area

To our surprise Len told us that he is going rent his cabin to anybody wanting to stay in Mannington. It will be available soon on AirBnB! So, if you would like to spend a day or two in Len’s log house, you can contact him direct by phone on 01202814075 or email him at

bathroom 2bunkbed room

Tell us about the product you are looking for

Provide some details about the product you are looking for (the purpose of use, area, dimensions, design, etc.). We will get back to you as soon as possible (usually the same or next working day).

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