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New Tendencies of Wood in the Interior of Log Cabin

A log cabin is made up of basic components, for instance wood is one of its main composites. Thus, those who want to make a significant investment in this particular type of dwelling should first contemplate on the best wood to use or look for. Quality log cabins are built with numerous wood species, which depends on various factors. Wood offers the widest variety when it comes to characteristics, aesthetics, value, price, and so much more. The new tendencies of wood play a crucial role in the interior of a log cabin. The type of wood that is best for your log home has different characteristics, depending on the type you choose.


Types of Wood - Characteristics and Tendencies in Log Cabin

Investment in a log home is as valuable and demanding as it is in a regular place of abode. You need to carefully take into consideration numerous factors if you want quality results. It is important to consider the type of wood that is to be used in building the entire structure. The interior of the log home requires high quality wood from top to bottom. Thus, it is imperative to find and choose the perfect wood species for the roof, ceiling, posts, walls, and hardwood flooring.

Here are some of the most important characteristics of today’s wood species that are salient in making the right choice:


The wood species in the interior portion of the log cabin must be as attractive and appealing as it is on the exterior. However, there is a significant difference in the extent of time that the wood could change due to the elements or the effects of weathering. The ideal type of wood for a log cabin based on aesthetics or appearance is highly dependent on the personal taste of the owner. There are wood preservatives that protect the wood appearance for a long period of time


One of the most important characteristics of wood for a log cabin interior is stability. Wood has different tendencies when it comes to shrinking, warping, twisting, and checking. The good news is that there are now material-handling techniques that could control a wood’s stability. For instance, you can still maximize the stability of a wood species that tends to shrink through kiln-drying or air-drying methods. Careful wood grading is also a good technique for species that tend to warp or twist, making it easy to identify and reject them.



A good investment in a log cabin starts with finding or choosing a cost effective type of wood. Some types of wood are more expensive than others due to the difficulty in growing and harvesting them. A log cabin with northern white cedar interior composite is more expensive compared to structures with southern yellow pine interiors. Southern yellow pine is cheaper as it is fast growing as well as readily available in commercial quantities.

Decay Resistance

Choose timber for your log cabin that offers a high decay resistance rate. Different types of wood may vary significantly, especially in their natural resistance to decay. Regardless of their natural decay resistance however, there are wood preservatives and techniques that increase the lifespan of wood.

Types of Wood for Log Home Interiors

Before making a huge investment on your log cabin, make sure that you know some of the most common types of wood. Take note that these species have their own characteristics that could suit your preference for your log home interiors:


Northern White Cedar. Some of the common types of wood that are ideal for log cabins include cedar and arborvitae. These are commonly grown in the Appalachian Mountain ranges in Maine to the northern part of the Great Lakes states. They are expensive due to their rarity and the length it takes to grow and the harvesting period. Northern white cedar is also one of the finer grades of wood.

Southern White Cedar. This type of wood is also known as Juniper or Atlantic White. There are different types and characteristics of this particular species. For instance, Sapwood is whitish or white and usually thin while Heartwood is light brown. It is also quite resistant to decaying tendencies. Atlantic White generally shrinks very little, is lightweight, low in strength, soft, and shock resistant.

Douglas Fir. A log cabin with this type of wood is quite common in Washington, California, and Rocky Mountain states in America. These are the places where this type of wood is abundant. It is also known as Douglas spruce, red fir, and yellow fir. This species widely varies in terms of strength and weight, depending on the location of its harvest. It is moderately resistant to decaying tendencies.

Eastern Hemlock. The common names for this type of wood for log cabin interiors include hemlock spruce and Canadian hemlock. The characteristic of the heartwood is pale brown in colour with reddish shades. The sapwood is not really distinguished from the heartwood except for its much lighter colour. The texture of the wood is uneven and coarse, while it is generally moderate in hardness, weight, and limberness.


Red Oak. A log cabin with red oak wood interiors is quite rare and a classic find. This wood species, also known as northern oak, is quite difficult to acquire especially in large volumes. It offers a beautiful and timeless finish and is moderately expensive due to its low supply.

Eastern White Pine. Commonly harvested in New England, South and Middle Atlantic states, and the Great Lakes states of America, this species is a stable one. You can ensure the durability and lifespan of your log cabin with a white pine or Weymouth pine interior. It offers low shrinkage tendencies with high R-value. It also seldom twists but is difficult to find especially in long straight lengths.

Nowadays, a log cabin is no longer just an option for some people. Investing in this type of abode is a lucrative and exciting one. A log cabin is no longer just a common place of retreat from you daily routine. Maximize your property with this comfortable living space nearby.

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