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Information for owners of residential cabins

  • The Foundation of Residential Log Cabin Building

    A residential log cabin foundation is the very core of the structural building. The base layer serves as support for the entire structure, meaning it could make or break the entire unit. Before you venture further into the design of your contemporary or period log home, looking into the foundation is a must. A residential log house requires the absolute best foundation if you don’t want your investment to go to waste. Residential Log Cabin Building Foundation Basics Log cabin foundations are not just the base layer where the entire building is built upon. This particular layer safely and technically transfers the weight and load of the wooden structure through the ground. The foundation or base of any construction project should be durable and strong and that is a general rule of thumb… (More)
  • Say Goodbye to Concrete Structures

    Wooden homes are now the most in demand types of housing and have surpassed the demands for concrete structures. In various parts of the world, modern wooden houses such as timber and log cabins are becoming more and more popular among home buyers and property investors. The overflowing benefits of wooden structural buildings are the main reasons why log cabins and wooden homes are the best options for contemporary housing. Why Go for Modern Wooden Homes? Aside from the obvious difference in aesthetics, wooden houses and structural buildings are definitely more advantageous compared to their concrete counterparts. Here are some of the top noteworthy benefits of a contemporary wooden home compared to a concrete building or housing: Energy Efficient and Exceptional Insulation Wood is a h… (More)
  • The Cases When Building Permits for Residential Log Cabins are Necessary

    Residential log cabin buildings are lucrative investments but you cannot build them just anywhere. One of the most important things to consider when planning for a log homes investment is knowing and understanding the log cabin planning permission in your area. It is easy to purchase a plot of land and build your dream log home but make sure that you are building in compliance with the rules and regulations or else you just might end up violating the law with all your investments gone to waste. When Do You Need Building Permits for Residential Log Cabin Building regulations and planning laws are important especially when constructing your log home. There are relevant and essential rules and regulations to adhere to before you even start the construction. Learn the basics of these permis… (More)
  • Useful Advice for Renting Your Residential Log Cabin

    Many people today who own a residential log cabin think about renting their property. These owners usually have different reasons for doing so, such as paying off their mortgage sooner. For others, renting their log cabin is just a way for them to earn extra money, especially when the cabin is not being used for a long time. Regardless of these reasons, the act of renting out your log cabin is an effective tool to help you in offsetting the costs of owning it. (check there residential log cabins) The majority of log cabin owners tend to rent out their property because of the financial benefits that they can get from it. Taking the time to rent out the cabin for about seventeen weeks each year is good enough to cover the yearly mortgage costs including all other associated rental bills. N… (More)
  • Residential Log Cabin Foundation: Damage after Winter

    If you own a residential log cabin that’s situated in a place with extreme cold temperature you may not be aware of the fact regarding the adverse effects that cold or freezing temperature has on your log cabin’s foundation. A foundation which is covered with soil may not experience heaving but an uncovered foundation will not be very lucky. The surprising thing to learn about foundation damage is that it usually occurs before the temperature reaches freezing point. A lot of log cabin owners usually have an unclear understanding about the distinction between freezing and cold weather and this has increased the onset of damage occurring in the foundations of their log cabins. The reality is that when the temperature falls below forty degrees for three straight days, the possibility of expe… (More)
  • Residential Cabin Renovation: What to Check after Winter

    It may be considered the “most wonderful time of the year” but winter also potentially wreaks havoc on your residential log cabin. Thus, it is essential to undertake a renovation project before and after the winter season to keep your log house in tip top condition, especially when the temperature drops. Residential cabin renovation after the snow disappears on the ground can be quite tedious and could need the help of the professionals. Refurbishing your log cabin after winter requires you to check essential parts of the log structure to evaluate its integrity and see which parts of the log house need immediate renovation. Residential Cabin Renovation after Winter Must-Knows There are essential things you need to know before embarking on a minor or a major facelift for yo… (More)
  • How to Distinguish between Good and Bad Wood in Residential Cabins

    A lot of residential cabins have emerged in different parts of the world, owing to the revival of this type of building structure in today’s construction market. The numerous benefits of owning a log house are reason enough for people to seriously consider investing in wooden houses, whether as primary residences or secondary and holiday homes. One of the most important factors to consider when investing in residential cabins is the wood or timber that is the main material for construction. The best residential cabins are well-planned especially in terms of the right wood species to build the structure. What to Look for in Wood Species for Residential Cabins The right logs are the heart and core of your wooden house construction. Choosing the right wood is an essential decision and shou… (More)
  • Residential Cabin Sliding Door Systems: How to Choose

    The classic and timeless look of a residential cabin meets the modern and contemporary features of sliding door systems. Sliding doors open horizontally through a sliding mechanism that is typically parallel to the wall. Residential cabin owners can choose from a wide range of sliding door systems from pocket doors to bypass doors and arcadia. The most common use for this type of door is on the patio, bathroom, and as glass doors, wardrobe doors, and screen doors. Things to Consider for a Residential Cabin Sliding Door System Never underestimate the importance of the materials for your sliding door system. The type of material will leave its mark on the overall aesthetics and feel of your residential cabin door. It also determines the durability and performance of the door system for a… (More)
  • Tips on How to Renovate Old Residential Log Cabins

    Just like any other types of structure, a residential log cabin can also become fragile and vulnerable over time. Log homes are subject to damage from the elements that eventually weaken the cabin’s foundation and overall aesthetics. Therefore, wooden houses should also have regular maintenance and when there are obvious defects, should be treated with an overall makeover or renewal of individual parts. For smaller defects, early detection and immediate renovation are vital to saving the entirety of the structure. However, for extensive damages with radical structural changes, an overhaul is a more likely investment to make. Residential Log Cabin and Structure Integrity The integrity and longevity of the wooden structure highly depend on its foundation, drainage system, and roof. Long-t… (More)
  • The Experts’ Opinion on Wooden Houses

    Wooden houses have been around for centuries; from the first log home that was built with stacks of logs placed one on top of the other to more contemporary and advanced designs, these log structures have undoubtedly evolved and developed into remarkable options for primary housing or holiday and rental homes. Both then and now, experts have conducted various studies and come up with opinions and statements that have been helpful references in the improvement of wooden houses around the world. What do Experts Say about Wooden Houses? The use of wood in the construction of buildings dates back millennia; however, rapid industrialization, as well as the shortage of timber materials, significantly decreased the number of wooden houses. Nevertheless, in recent decades there has been a rev… (More)
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