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  • BBQ Hut for Summer Entertaining: Quick Buying Tips You Should Remember

    How much do you like having your own BBQ hut in your place? The fact is that there are many ways by which you can use a barbecue hut. With this kind of structure you can use it as a place for self-service barbecuing and cooking your own food choices. And since BBQ entails food in most senses, we cannot deny the fact that BBQ huts are also excellent for entertainment purposes. It simply gives you the idea of having an event or occasion where you can eat and drink as you are entertained by chosen performers. Are BBQ huts a popular option these days? Yes, they are. As a matter of fact, the use of such kinds of structures is not only limited to Europe but are used in many different parts of the globe as well. What makes these huts truly popular? The popularity of such structures is due to th… (More)
  • Barry's fancy Clockhouse log cabin

    Why not to add some Mediterranean look to your cabin? Our customers happen to have very delicate tastes when it comes to decorating their gardens. One of our customers had an idea of putting a small log cabin into his garden which would add a decorative touch as well as provide some cozy space for his family. Out of our whole range he chose a small cabin with a clock tower - and indeed a cabin with a dormer, large windows and French door proves to be a very nice and attractive design. But not only that. The customer decided to choose Mediterranean style and combined white and blue colours to paint the cabin – as a result he had a lovely design cabin, with dominating white colour while the doors and the windows were painted in light blue colour. The pots with vivid flowers added a… (More)
  • Wooden Houses – 10 Times Better Energy Efficient Construction

    With the fast and continuous development of life in the city, more and more people are choosing to live in the eco-friendly log house, suburbs and in the countryside. The development of society has brought tumultuous changes in the current state of the existing environment, and this goes some way to explaining the tendency of many people to live and dwell close to nature. It also encompasses the use of certain methods which are known to be energy-saving. The construction of eco-friendly homes such as wooden houses is another modern tendency. As a matter of fact, you may be surprised to see lots of houses and buildings which are now built and constructed using wood. However, the construction of wooden-inspired buildings and houses will never be fulfilled without the strict implementation… (More)
  • Christophoros's log cabins in Cyprus

    There are no limits to the design ideas or to the destinations for our products as our experience has shown again and again. When one of our clients contacted us he already had a great idea for the accommodation business in Cyprus. The assistance required from our team was to find the best design and to ship it to its sunny new place. Our standard Nica 5m x 5m design was perfect as it is a compact size with one big area and separate shower room. This is more than enough for 2-3 people to stay in. Clay tiles were chosen as the roof covering to strengthen the cosy look of the wooden building. The installation of our products is easy and the assembly instructions are always supplied together with the product. Due to this, it was easy to find a local team, even in Cyprus, to assemble our p… (More)
  • How to Build Your Own BBQ Hut

    Learning how to build your own BBQ hut is one of the most rewarding things to do, especially if you are a fan of outdoor cookouts and dining. Before you learn the basics on how to build your own BBQ hut there are a few important things you need to know and understand. Build your Own BBQ Hut – The Basics Outdoor BBQ cookouts have become extremely popular among Europeans and people in other parts of the world. However, one of the first barbecue huts introduced within the industry was created having a Scottish or Scandinavian background. Just like log cabins, BBQ huts may have similar concepts of design and construction. A self-service BBQ hut has become a recent trend and although it has a traditional anathema for the rich and the elite, anyone can enjoy this remarkable structure. You can… (More)
  • Sally's wooden garage

    Sally came to us in need of a bigger storage facility, we offered her our standard 5m x 6m garage, which would be more than enough for storage, and having our big barn - style doors ensures there will not be any issues when loading larger items. We advised her to go to our showroom to have a look at this particular garage. After seeing it with her own eyes, she soon realized that it was exactly what she was looking for! The garage was in stock, so after a couple of weeks it was up and running! Sally decided to go for our green shingle tile effect. Have a look and see if this might be what you are looking for! (More)
  • The Foundation of Residential Log Cabin Building

    A residential log cabin foundation is the very core of the structural building. The base layer serves as support for the entire structure, meaning it could make or break the entire unit. Before you venture further into the design of your contemporary or period log home, looking into the foundation is a must. A residential log house requires the absolute best foundation if you don’t want your investment to go to waste. Residential Log Cabin Building Foundation Basics Log cabin foundations are not just the base layer where the entire building is built upon. This particular layer safely and technically transfers the weight and load of the wooden structure through the ground. The foundation or base of any construction project should be durable and strong and that is a general rule of thumb… (More)
  • Allan's bespoke log cabin

    Even though we offer quite a wide range of standard products, our dear customer Allan had a very special request. We have modified our standard log cabin Nica. Allan wanted to have 3 sets of doors on the front elevation and that’s not a problem – moreover he wanted to have this modern look rather than have Georgian bars. Our architect has quickly design him some plans and elevations and after the customer has confirmed them we have proceeded with the manufacture. Few weeks later our professional assembly team has arrived on site and installed this custom log cabin in Allan’s garden. To add extra protection and warmth for the long winter evening’s the builders have covered the roof with some insulation. Allan owns a roofing company so he is going to install his own… (More)
  • 10 Most Beautiful Garden Room Design Plans

    There is a garden room design plan that would instantly make your property more beautiful and valuable on the market. Garden rooms like these are basically outdoor structures that provide additional space for your existing property. A stunning outdoor room dramatically spruces up the feel and aesthetics of your home and landscape. It is a private sanctuary or it could be an income generator depending on the garden room design plans you choose. 10 Garden Room Design Plans Today The most beautiful and breathtaking garden rooms have different themes and features, depending on your personal style and taste. There are online guides that provide the best options for the ideal garden room or office based on different inspirations and themes. Your dream garden room design plans are your first st… (More)
  • Say Goodbye to Concrete Structures

    Wooden homes are now the most in demand types of housing and have surpassed the demands for concrete structures. In various parts of the world, modern wooden houses such as timber and log cabins are becoming more and more popular among home buyers and property investors. The overflowing benefits of wooden structural buildings are the main reasons why log cabins and wooden homes are the best options for contemporary housing. Why Go for Modern Wooden Homes? Aside from the obvious difference in aesthetics, wooden houses and structural buildings are definitely more advantageous compared to their concrete counterparts. Here are some of the top noteworthy benefits of a contemporary wooden home compared to a concrete building or housing: Energy Efficient and Exceptional Insulation Wood is a h… (More)
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