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  • Advantages of Wooden Garages with a Room Above

    Wooden garages with a room above are becoming more in demand nowadays. These wooden structures are not your ordinary carport or storage area owing to the fact that there are more features available. Having an upper floor with the additional room is quite an interesting feature and more and more homeowners are joining the bandwagon. Is having a wooden garage complete with an upper layer room a lucrative and wise investment? Or is it a total waste of resources? The Benefits of Wooden Garages with a Room Above There are numerous reasons why venturing into a wooden garage with an upper layer project is an excellent and practical choice for you. Having this particular structure in your property is a great opportunity ‒ the wooden structure in itself is already a great investment with high po… (More)
  • 10 Things You Need to Know about a Garden Rooms

    As the name implies a garden room is a great place that creates extra space for your home and is basically located in the midst of your garden. This stunning outdoor structure provides a flare of drama to your garden, improving its look and feel. It is a tranquil bolt hole that can take you away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Most importantly, it offers potential market value to your existing property, making it a lucrative investment to begin with. What is it? Top 10 Facts to Know The ideal garden room showcases a wide array of design and inspiration that is sure to spruce up your garden or outdoors. The best garden rooms have a streamlined layout or blueprint that reflects your own style and preferences as well as suiting your everyday needs and available space.… (More)
  • Garden Log Cabin: Worms in the Yard. What Should You Do?

    Your garden log cabin will definitely benefit from the presence of worms in your yard. If you are starting a garden around your log home, it’s important that you know and understand why having worms in your yard is a good thing. Worms play a crucial role in construction of the soil as well as the recycling of organic wastes. There is a network of useful and beneficial organisms in the soil that contribute to nutrient rich soil and the worm is definitely part of this network. Your garden log cabin would absolutely look great with a lush and green garden and those seemingly insignificant, oftentimes nasty wriggly creatures are a useful component. Worms and your Log Cabin Garden Imagine a lush and beautiful garden accessorizing your outdoors, boosting the overall aesthetic and curb… (More)
  • The Cases When Building Permits for Residential Log Cabins are Necessary

    Residential log cabin buildings are lucrative investments but you cannot build them just anywhere. One of the most important things to consider when planning for a log homes investment is knowing and understanding the log cabin planning permission in your area. It is easy to purchase a plot of land and build your dream log home but make sure that you are building in compliance with the rules and regulations or else you just might end up violating the law with all your investments gone to waste. When Do You Need Building Permits for Residential Log Cabin Building regulations and planning laws are important especially when constructing your log home. There are relevant and essential rules and regulations to adhere to before you even start the construction. Learn the basics of these permis… (More)
  • Garden Structures Made of Wood: Things You Need to Know

    Garden structures make your backyard and overall property value even better because these features are additional selling points. No matter what type of wooden garden structure you have, the aesthetic value and curb appeal of your property instantly go up. A garden is basically a place where you can unwind, relax, and just appreciate the beauty of nature, especially if you have a well-maintained landscape. Adding wooden garden structures on the site could make a world of difference. Why are Garden Structures of Wood Important When you have wooden structures in your garden, you’ll be able to spend more quality time in this area, allowing you to relax and refresh. It is also an ideal spot where you can bond and spend time with your family, friends, and loved ones away from all the hustle… (More)
  • Quick Garden cabins on BBC

    You might have seen the recent BBC article about David Cameron’s designer shed, where the former PM bought his shed for £25,000 to write a book in. In the article, another person was mentioned who claimed that the former PM was ‘just starting out in the world of sheds’! It just so happens that the person mentioned was other David, who is one of Quick Garden’s customers, and is more than happy that his shed cost him £19,000.00 less and in his words ‘ his shed is nothing compared to mine’. We are very happy that our customer is so pleased with their garden cabin. What makes our cabin stand out in terms of value for money is that it is made by our family business and we own our factories instead of buying garden cabins from other manufacturers… (More)
  • Building a Log Cabin: When is the Perfect Time to Prepare the Foundation?

    A log cabin foundation is vital in the overall quality of the wooden structure. Foundations safely transfer the load and weight of the log house through the ground, consequently making the wooden house more durable and strong. One of the most important things to consider when preparing a log cabin foundation is the time when to set the foundation in the first place. The Best Time to Prepare a Log Cabin Foundation You can choose when to start with the constructions of your log cabin, but you need to make sure that it is during the off season when there is low demand for log house materials from timber to other hardware materials. The lower the demand for log cabin materials, the lower or cheaper they would cost since most suppliers would rather sell off their stocks or supplies rather th… (More)
  • How to Choose the Right Wooden Garden Office?

    Wooden garden offices are great investments although they can be financially demanding. Nevertheless, having a wooden office away from your main house is a remarkable venture, especially if you want to separate yourself from the hustle and bustle of your primary household. Working from home is becoming a very popular trend for most people and a garden office would certainly make a difference in your productivity and work environment. Most importantly, wooden garden offices boost the market value of your property if you plan to put it up for sale in the future. The Benefits of Wooden Garden Offices One of the most pressing questions to ask yourself is why should you invest in a wooden garden room or office? Homeowners discover the numerous benefits of owning a timber garden office, not… (More)
  • Log Cabin Price Changes in Summer

    The log cabin industry is one of the most dynamic niches in the world, with cabin prices fluctuating and changing every now and then. The price of log houses usually changes depending on the time of the year, mainly due to the law of supply and demand. The price of log cabin changes in summer, particularly the summer holidays when the sales begin steadily dropping. Thus, if you really want to get the most out of your investment and take advantage of the low prices on high-quality log cabins, summer is the best time of the year to buy one. Why do Log Cabin Prices Drop in Summer? The prices of log houses typically drop as soon as the summer holidays take place and experience the lowest rate when the leaves start dropping for autumn. When the industry becomes suddenly quiet and everyone el… (More)
  • Top 10 Security Tips for Wooden House

    Wooden houses are your sanctuary and safe haven and when the intrusion of unwelcome guests takes place, it becomes a place of danger in an instance. Boosting your wooden house’s security should be on top of your priority list. However, having a top-quality security system need not cost you thousands; it could be a small-scale and budget-friendly project and still provide a successfully functional security system in and around your log home. All you have to do is know the right way to do it. Top 10 Security Tips for Residential Cabins Safety in residential cabins is the primary goal of every cabin owner. Your log house ought to be your fortress that is impenetrable and resistant to any threats to your security. It all depends on you whether your log house stays protected and secured or o… (More)
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