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  • How to Stain Your Wooden Garage

    There are few things that look as good when they are properly maintained as a wooden garage or any other type of building made out of wood. The keyword here is the words ‘properly maintained’. Wood is susceptible to having such things as dirt, mold and mildew collect on it just like any other type of building material.  It needs to be periodically sprayed off and every few years it needs a nice coat of stain put on it to protect the wood and enhance its natural looks. Here is how to go about staining a wood building such as a wooden garage. Gather the Tools You should have available when you do the job such things as a good pressure washer, some fine grit sandpaper for wood, TSP substitute, cloths for cleanup, several short and long handled stain brushes, a stain sprayer (optional), plas… (More)
  • Why Log Cabin Is an Eco-Friendly Choice?

    A log cabin is an environmentally friendly way to live in the lap of nature. Modern lifestyles have made it difficult to enjoy being a part of nature and live in harmony with our planet. The buzzing city life, over crowded cities, pollution and improper dietary habits have all contributed towards making life difficult and unhealthy. Log cabins offer a way to escape the nuance of the city life and live close to Mother Nature. A log cabin offers the kind of life full of peace and comfort and help reverse the damages caused by the unhealthy living habits. Made from natural material Log cabins are made from elements that are naturally available and do not include any synthetic material such as plastic, chemicals or any other harmful or hazardous materials that are generally found in the mode… (More)
  • Selecting Site for the Wooden Cabins

    You have looked at and researched all kinds of different home construction types. After carefully considering the benefits, drawbacks and looks of each; you have decided that a wooden cabin is a perfect fit for you. But hold on for a second; you can’t buy nice wooden cabins until you find a place to build it. Here is a list of things to consider when selecting a site to build wooden cabins. First of all before you decide where you want to build, you have to realize that wooden cabins are very sturdy and durable and they can be built in any climate or even places with adverse weather conditions, so don’t worry about those things. As a matter of fact, cabin homes have a well-earned reputation of standing up to mother nature virtually unscathed when other types of home construction have fai… (More)
  • Robert's Custom Log Cabin (Yorkshire)

    With a little help from my friends is not only the name of the famous song, it is the way Peter installed his custom made garden office Devon 5m x 3.5m  - with the help of his good mates. Peter wanted to have a functional log cabin for his leisure time. He was considering a couple of options from our range and finally went for the bespoke log cabin Devon which is 5m long and 3.5m wide and as it's under 2.5m in height, Peter avoided any troubles related to planning matters. (check there log cabins) We are very happy that Peter is enjoying his log cabin and we wish him the best of luck and comfort for the coming years. Thank you Peter for sharing the pictures. (More)
  • How to Do Plumbing in Your Residential Cabin?

    Residential cabins help with healthy living by providing the most natural ambience and living conditions. However, constructing a residential cabin is more complicated than building a regular traditional house. One of the most complicated and difficult part of constructing a log cabin is the identification and installation of the plumbing system. The plumbing system requires due consideration and planning because it is essential to have a system in place that allows for easy draining of sewage water out of the cabin and bringing clean and fresh water into the home. It is also critical to ensure that the plumbing should not be faulty to result in the mixing of fresh and sewage water and there is no water logging. For transporting fresh water from the fresh water source like the storage or… (More)
  • Peter's Log Cabin

    Have you ever heard the saying “a Cabin in the middle of nowhere”? Well it seems our client Peter from Surrey has made this into a reality.  Peter contacted us looking for a mid-size traditional design log cabin for keeping his tools in and relaxing as well.  At that moment we had a very good offer on the Lille 4m x 5m (44mm) log cabin, which Peter happily accepted. A concrete base was laid for this log cabin prior to delivery taking place. Then our assembly team installed it and laid green bitumen shingles on the roof. Installation was completed within one day. Now Peter spends many a happy day enjoying his cabin. (check there log cabins) (More)
  • Alison's Log Cabin

    Builder Les contacted us looking for a spacious and functional log cabin. This had come about because his friend Alison from Surrey needed such a cabin and Les was happy to help her. After various considerations Les and Alison decided to go for the Clockhouse 5.5m x 4m log cabin. This made sense as this traditional design log cabin is one of the most popular in our range. Alison wanted to have plain windows and doors so we were able to make special ones as requested. The cabin was delivered straight from our factory and Les started on the installation. First of all the concrete base was laid and after it had dried Les started putting up the walls. In order to upgrade the roof, Les decided on extra plywood sheets on top of the roof boards and laid bitumen shingles on top. All Quick Garden… (More)
  • How to Choose Reputable Log Cabin Manufacturer

    Building a log cabin is dream project for many and if you are among the thousands who is planning to build a log home, then there are certain points that you need to keep in mind before starting the project. The very first thing that you need to understand is, log homes are very different from the home setups that we have in the city and you must plan a layout that gives you an entirely different experience from the homes that you are living in the city. The best way to plan a log cabin is to select the place first, deep inside the woods where you can spend quality time in the nature with your family. When you decide the place and location first, then it opens many new opportunities for you, as then you can plan the layout in an easier manner. In this article, we are going to help you in… (More)
  • Meet Your Guests at Your Residential Cabin

    Planning to invite guests at your residential cabin? Then you might be in for a treat, as residential cabins are the best option for having parties and get together. Many people get the residential cabins made, so that they can plan a weekend getaway there to have all the fun. Many owners get the log cabin homes constructed deep into the woods to have a break from the daily hectic lifestyles of the city routine and then at the weekends they plan a party with their friends and families, away from the routine chores of city life. Before you plan a party at the residential cabins, you need to keep certain points in mind, so that you can use the space available in the residential cabin in the best possible way. In this article, we are going to give you some of the tips that will help you pla… (More)
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