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  • Increase the Lifespan of Your Wooden Garage with These Maintenance Tips

    Wooden garages are increasingly becoming more popular due to their sturdiness and natural beauty. Logs are a heavy duty material that is perfect for constructing such structures. A garage made from wood will certainly last for a long time. Moreover, they increase the value of your house and make it more beautiful. Concrete and metal garages are also popular but they don’t usually make your outdoors beautiful. As wooden garages add more value to your home and property, if you decide to sell your house, you will be able to get a better price if you have a wooden garage. So, they are also great investments. But it is important to understand that your job as a homeowner is not limited to just buying a wooden garage, you also have to maintain it and offer it proper care, in order to maintain… (More)
  • Residential Log Cabin in France by Our Customer

    Mr Jardine was looking for a residential cabin in the countryside in France that was big enough for his large family to relax in during the weekends. We advised Mr Jardine to get the residential cabin Hymer with 66mm walls. And it was a great choice indeed as Mr Jardine wanted to have two separate bedrooms and one large living room for the whole family to hang out in during breakfast or summer evenings on the terrace. The solid 66mm double tongue & groove profiled walls ensured both the solidity and the natural insulation of  the residential log cabin. Meanwhile, thanks to the reinforced roof construction, the whole structure remains safe regardless of any storms or other possible natural happenings. We want to thank Mr Jardine for the photos he has send to us. Please see more pictur… (More)
  • Common Plumbing Problems in the Log Homes and How They Can Be Resolved

    Nothing can be more annoying in a place of living than plumbing issues. Though plumbing issues are rare, they can strike anytime and mostly when you least expect them. Irrespective of whether you are in a new home or an old log home, you can still run into some log home plumbing problems. It is always best to resolve the problem as soon as it arises. Fortunately, for the most part you can fix the problems yourself without the costs and hassles of hiring a professional plumber. Here we list some of the most common log home plumbing issues together with tips on how they can be resolved. Clogged toilets: Possibly the most common and probably the most serious plumbing problem a homeowner can run into is a clogged toilet, especially if you only have one toilet in your log home. Clogged toilet… (More)
  • Factors That Decide the Energy Efficiency of Log Cabins

    Log cabin insulation has always been a topic of debate. However, today after several studies have been conducted to find out about the thermal insulation of log cabins, individuals have started considering insulating their log cabins for even better results. Fortunately, people have realised the importance of insulation in a log cabin, thus manufacturers have also launched a range of insulated log cabins to help homeowners enjoy a cosy and comfortable living setting as well keeping heating and cooling costs low. The National Bureau of Standards’ Test has verified the Energy Conserving “Thermal Mass Effect” for heavy log walls in log homes. The study was conducted by the NBS (National Bureau of Standards) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and th… (More)
  • Know It All About Log Home Staining

    It is a well known fact that in order to keep your log home looking great and protected from extreme atmospheric conditions and UV rays, providing a few coats of a great quality exterior stain is important. Stains not only provide a polished and rich look the specially prepared formulas can actually provide a layer of protection for wood to fight extreme exposure to UV light and a number of harmful weather conditions like high winds and rain. Some stains are specially formulated to prevent mildew and repel insects. (More log home products can found here) You will be surprised to know that now you get a huge choice of log home stains. Gone are the days when brown was the only choice you had for wood stains. Manufacturers now provide a huge array of colors, from forest green to ocean blue… (More)
  • Useful and Effective Tips for Painting A Wooden Log House

    Your log house can be one of the most important purchases you make in your lifetime. Thus, if you don’t want it to deteriorate over time, it is essential for homeowners to use quality wall paints, in order to maintain its quality and beauty. However, the decision to painting a wooden log house is not always easy and neither is making the choice of paints or deciding whether to do it yourself or hire the services of a professional. Here is a list of some really important points and tips when painting a log house. By following these tips you can easily make the job of painting fun and interesting. Which Section of the Log House Needs Colour? For every section of the house, there is a paint that is formulated specifically for that particular surface to last in the conditions where the pai… (More)
  • Debunking Log House Maintenance Myths (Part 2)

    We have already discussed some of the very popular myths about log houses. But there are many more myths about log homes maintenance that are just myths and have no relation with the facts. So, let’s try and find out more about log house maintenance myths. Log house maintenance is a one size fits all task:  Usually people think that all log houses are the same and so are their maintenance requirements. But both these things are far from reality. Log house maintenance requirements differ depending on the manufacturing standards, the quality of the logs used and how well you take care of it through the years. Also atmospheric conditions and the products you use to maintain the newness of your log walls ultimately decide how much repair and restoration will be required and how often. This m… (More)
  • Debunking Log House Maintenance Myths (Part 1)

    Log house maintenance has always been a topic of debate. As you have landed on this page, it probably means that you are trying to establish the facts about log houses before you actually buy one. There are lots of things that a person comes across when looking for information about log house maintenance. But most of these are rumours that have been spread by individuals who are in the business of making concrete houses or individuals who have never lived in a log house. Nevertheless, making a decision based on these rumours wouldn’t be a wise decision. As a result, it is crucial that you know what the facts are and what things are unfounded rumours. To help you we will debunk some log house maintenance myths. A log house is tough to maintain: One thing that is sure is that log homes ar… (More)
  • How to Maintain Your Garden Next to Your Log Cabin Throughout the Year

    Not many people take as much joy in maintaining a garden as they do in creating one next to their log cabin. But, it goes without saying that maintaining a miniature garden is crucial if you want to keep it as fresh as it looked in its first spring. If you take the job of watering plants or removing weeds or turning the soil as a job that needs to be done, then it will definitely consume a great part of your mind and make you feel stressed. But, if you look at gardening as a leisure-time fun activity or as a hobby, then gardening can actually help you relax and loosen up. Gardening is an activity that you will definitely enjoy, especially when you see the butterflies dancing on the flowers, or flowers taking shape as fruits and veggies that can enhance the taste of your food. Nevertheles… (More)
  • Great Garden Lighting Ideas for A Beautiful Log Cabin Exterior

    A log cabin set up in the middle of a garden, is liked by people all across the globe. The log cabin in itself is a very beautiful and appealing structure and when located in the midst of a green space, the backdrop it creates is simply awe-inspiring. A garden log cabin adds style and glamour to any house. But, generally, people think that installing a log cabin is enough to decorate the garden and make it stand out. However, you need to work on a number of other elements as well in order to add to the beauty and charm of your garden and log cabin. Garden lighting is one really crucial element to keep your log cabin exterior beautiful. Not everybody understands that by lighting your garden in a different way, you can create a different type of look for your garden. Also, remember, when… (More)
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